Action, Performativity and Authority: Reflections on Arendt and Butler




Judith Butler, Hannah Arendt, Action, Performativity, Authority, Gender


In this paper, I intend to rethink the specific question of authority and to show how it is narrowly interwoven with both the concepts of action and performativity. Firstly, I examine Arendt’s account of action and its disruptive, innovative and performative dimension. Thereupon, I tackle the issue of performativity in Butler and how performativity cannot be explained exclusively from the perspective of actors. Later, I connect this with the question of authority and I scrutinize how a reconsideration of this concept can be helpful in order to analyze the active and productive role that spectators can have in actions’s success and its impact in the world.


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How to Cite

Straehle, E. (2017). Action, Performativity and Authority: Reflections on Arendt and Butler. Isegoría, (56), 223–240.



Notes and Discussions