Critical Agency and Dispossession. the timeliness of the Question about Liberty in Judith Butler




agency, dispossession, subject, deconstruction, performativity, liberty


This paper aims to trace Judith Butler’s preoccupation for the possibility of critical agency in two of her most recent books, Dispossession and Senses of the Subject. to do that, it will be necessary to understand that her conception of the subject is not humanist; rather, she proposes a vulnerable and interdependent subject. the sociocultural conditions that allow the emergence of the butlerian subject should not be understood, on the other hand, as a constructivism, instead, Butler proposes, through deconstruction, to think on the liberty of subject without losing sight of the constitutive and also differentially produced dispossession.


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How to Cite

Cano Abadía, M. (2017). Critical Agency and Dispossession. the timeliness of the Question about Liberty in Judith Butler. Isegoría, (56), 263–277.



Notes and Discussions