Nietzsche and Human Enhancement. On the Concept of Life




Darwinism, Life, breeding, Evolution, Eugenics


This paper exposes the dialogue between Nietzsche and the Darwinian school, highlighting the contrast between two different concepts of «life»: the Darwinian struggle for life or life as will to power. In opposition to the natural selection, which according to nietzsche doesn’t favor the strong and powerful but the mediocre and the many, the German philosopher conceives a breeding (Züchtung), a formation that is physiological as well as moral, and aspires to a true elevation of the human being, through the overcoming of nihilism and the transvaluation of all values from a vitalist perspective.


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How to Cite

García-Granero, M. (2017). Nietzsche and Human Enhancement. On the Concept of Life. Isegoría, (57), 599–615.



Notes and Discussions