Conferencias Aranguren ¿Fin de la intimidad? The (im)possibility of a World Without Eyelids. Essay on Online Intimacy




Intimacy, Internet, subjectivity, public-private sphere, feminism


“The terrifying thing about the hardeyed animal (...) is that it sees all the time” (Derrida). It is not surprising that the question of “the end of intimacy” is activated in a time of permanent connection, eyes-screen and generalized overexposure. If modern subjectivities were built looking at an interior place, today it is derived towards the “externalization of the self”. As an effect, personalities tend to be commercialized and the private is not represented, it is exposed. In the network-culture, the classic areas of relationship are diluted in a hypervisible public-private sphere, reducing intimacy and citizenship to a lesser degree. However, among the threats to the humanist subject the feminist alliance is reinforced by this scenario where “the personal political” can be “public and shared”. Critical readings point to a historical and cultural discontinuity in the control over the visibility of the most personal and private sphere that oscillates between the will to publish the intimate and the pressure of technoliberalism to manage it, to dominate the eyelid.


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How to Cite

Zafra, R. (2019). Conferencias Aranguren ¿Fin de la intimidad? The (im)possibility of a World Without Eyelids. Essay on Online Intimacy. Isegoría, (60), 51–68.


