Between Post-metaphysical thinking and Post-Foundationalism. the Relationship between the Logical and the ethical in the contemporary Actualizations of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right




Hegel, Philosophy of Right, Actualization, Post-metaphysical thinking, Post-Foundationalism


Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (PhR) can be analyzed whether independently from the Science of Logic or on the basis of the metaphysical premises developed in the latter work. In the present paper we enumerate different positions about this question, and we classify a number of attempts which were recently carried out in order to actualize the PhR. the differentiation of five levels of analysis of the articulation of the ethical and the logical in the PhR allows us to conclude that both the thesis on the dependence and the thesis of the independence can be compatible, since they refer to different levels of analysis.


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How to Cite

Assalone, E. (2019). Between Post-metaphysical thinking and Post-Foundationalism. the Relationship between the Logical and the ethical in the contemporary Actualizations of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. Isegoría, (61), 483–504.


