Behind of Signs: Desire and Narrative in the Web Sphere




Narrative, Identity, Biography, Desire, Web


Our step-signs on the Internet, housed in the large external memory of the Web, rediscover ourselves as narrative beings, but above all they reveal our desire to be narrated. In our Web narrative action, in our “Facebooking” living – that expands to our “tweeting” living, “blogging” or “googling” living –, we are leaving behind us traces of a “story of life”. As Cavarero argues (1997), following Arendtian approaches, we entrust this story of life to another/other, who can tell us. The biographical hope underlying our communicative exchanges via the web, will be studied in an attempt to account for the desire present in the current online narrative proliferation, that is, the desire to be narrated.


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How to Cite

de Salvador Agra, S. (2019). Behind of Signs: Desire and Narrative in the Web Sphere. Isegoría, (61), 593–605.



Notes and Discussions