The anthropological turn in the thought of José Ortega y Gasset. From cultural monism of youth to the cultural pluralism of the historical and vital reason




Ortega, Anthropology, Culture, Idealism, Modernity, Pure reason, Historical-vital reason


The following pages deal with the anthropological turn produced in the work of José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) in relation to the transit between the modern reason, to which the Spanish philosopher is joined in his youth—a period in which Ortega opts for the western culture as an essential one, due to the Greek roots of Europe—, and the historical and vital reason, which is open to the cultural plurality and dominates his thought from the beginning of the twenties on. Against the modern and pro-European reason of his initial thought, Ortega proposes in the 1920s, a type of vital reason that incorporates the idea of historical sense that is the element that will define his anthropological thought from now on. The cultural monism praised by the Spanish philosopher in his first years as highbrow, is replaced by a pluralism of cultures which is characteristic of the contemporaneity.


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How to Cite

de Haro Honrubia, A. . (2021). The anthropological turn in the thought of José Ortega y Gasset. From cultural monism of youth to the cultural pluralism of the historical and vital reason. Isegoría, (64), e16.



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Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers FFI2016-76891-C2-1-P