Public Things: emergencies of democratic sovereignty between the commons and the shared space




New materialism, Vital materialism, The Commons, Democratic sovereignty, Shared space, Neoliberalism


The work critically addresses the construction of a political theory of public things by Bonnie Honig. To this end, the origins of this theory are traced conceived as a response to the crisis of democratic sovereignty in the face of the dissolving effects of the emerging cosmopolitan universe and the thriving decline of the public sphere. Secondly, its roots are inserted in the complex theoretical scenario that has caused the posthumanist turn in the social sciences, placing its contribution in the context of vital materialism conceived as a specifically political expression of new materialism. In this way, the advantages of the material approach are contrasted with theories about the commons or shared space. In the third and last place, the conceptual porosity of Honig’s approach is critically analyzed, proposing new theoretical instruments capable of deepening the power of concern that public things have.


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How to Cite

Menéndez Alzamora, M. . (2022). Public Things: emergencies of democratic sovereignty between the commons and the shared space. Isegoría, (66), e13.



Dossier: Common goods at the citizen crossroads