Must the real revolution be anarchist? Pure violence as catastrophe and annihilation in Benjamin and Sorel




Political violence, anarchism, myth, cruelty, law, State, power


One hundred years after its first publication, Benjamin’s Critique of Violence continues to be a reference text for the study of political violence. However, the anarchist ideas that move implicitly and explicitly throughout its pages -and that lend historical meaning to his concept of divine violence- have been relativized by the prevailing messianism in certain contemporary analyses. This paper studies in-depth the anarchist horizon of radical political transformation that Benjamin takes from Georges Sorel’s Reflections on Violence: The idea of a final catastrophic revolution whose intrinsic morality will be demonstrated in its capacity to destroy the dialectical historical cycle between violence and power.


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How to Cite

González, A. L. (2022). Must the real revolution be anarchist? Pure violence as catastrophe and annihilation in Benjamin and Sorel. Isegoría, (66), e24.



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