Pornography, hate and freedom of expression. Ronald Dworkin’s arguments




Dworkin, Pornography, Hate speech, Freedom of expression


Throughout his work Ronald Dworkin has raised a crucial question about freedom of expression: is it a right so important that it requires allowing forms of expression that we consider despicable, offensive or socially harmful? In this paper I would like to analyze the philosopher’s reflection on this issue, focusing on pornography and hate speech. These forms of expression constitute a challenge for the defenders of free speech, since they force us to review the traditional arguments used in its defense. I will first consider the question of whether there is a right to pornography and how it might be justified. I will then review his polemic with feminist authors like Catharine MacKinnon regarding the banning of pornography, as several of the points are relevant to hate speech. To conclude, I will examine R. Dworkin’s arguments in favor of freedom of expression since they are relevant in the discussion on the criminal prosecution of hate speech.


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How to Cite

Toscano, M. . (2022). Pornography, hate and freedom of expression. Ronald Dworkin’s arguments. Isegoría, (67), e04.




Funding data

Universidad de Málaga
Grant numbers PGC2018-093573-B-I00

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