J’accuse…! Some considerations on Carl Schmitt’s National Socialist commitment





Carl Schmitt, National Socialism, Yves Charles Zarka, Jacob Taubes, Julien Freund


Despite the enormous efforts of renowned political philosophers and intellectual historians to stigmatise the study of Carl Schmitt’s work, the interest in Schmitt’s political-legal reasoning has managed to resist to such an extent that, today, anyone interested in political or legal philosophy can hardly resist the impulse or the necessity to explore the Schmittian work and thought. Against this background, on this occasion I would like to offer some reasons to claim that Schmitt’s famous and brief political involvement with National Socialism (1933-1936) should, from a certain point of view, be left aside or, at best, regarded as an incidental question for those who are interested in Schmittian political or legal reasoning in stricto sensu. To this end, after a brief consideration of the trajectory of Carl Schmitt’s reputation, I would like to offer four examples that illustrate some good reasons to believe that Schmitt’s political and legal theory runs parallel to biographical considerations, and, therefore to try to counter the idea that there is a direct or necessary connection between his misguided political commitments and the eventual value of his political and legal reasoning.


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How to Cite

Dolfo, A. . (2022). J’accuse…! Some considerations on Carl Schmitt’s National Socialist commitment. Isegoría, (67), e15. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2022.67.15



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