Could Forgiveness Be Considered a Social Act? Arguments in Favor and its Explain Advantages




Forgiveness, Social act, Recognition, Gift, Resentment


This paper supports the idea of forgiveness as social act and exhibits its explain advantages. In the first section, the definition of social act by Adolf Reinach is reviewed, and the critics against forgiveness as social act are considered and replied. In the second section, three main advantages of this approach are examined, one of them regarding Nussbaum’s critique on forgiveness, in which it arises mostly as a perverted value, another regarding Serrano & Cázares’ critique on certain moralizing attitudes, and the last one in consideration to the polysemy of the word.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Barajas, M. del P. (2023). Could Forgiveness Be Considered a Social Act? Arguments in Favor and its Explain Advantages. Isegoría, (69), e03.


