Re-reading Latour: ontology, hybridization and differences




Bruno Latour, ontology, critique, hybridization


This paper offers a meta-lecture (interpretation of the diverse interpretations) of the philosophical identity of Bruno Latour. The discussion is centered in three kinds of interpretations: critiques, defenses and self-definitions from the author. Besides the sympathy or the rejection towards his philosophy, it is argued that the complexities of the French thinker are resisted to be categorized by univocal labels or to be analytically dissected. Based on the reformulation of critique proposed by the author, it is suggested the “antagonist hybridization” as a nautical chart to properly understand the networks and assemblies that composed Bruno Latour as a philosopher.


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How to Cite

Antolínez Uribe, D. (2023). Re-reading Latour: ontology, hybridization and differences. Isegoría, (69), e14.


