On Foucault’s difficulties in his interpretation of the thesis of the Cartesian rupture between method and spirituality, philosophy and way of life





Method, Spirituality, Care of the self, Askésis, Meditation, P. Hadot


Foucault’s position on Descartes, about the rupture that he had represented regarding the relationship between access to truth and transformation of oneself, between method and spirituality, was not unequivocal. Formulations of it varied, sometimes surprisingly. Foucault saw that the author of the Meditations maintained a complex relationship with the tradition of spirituality, which required specifying the well-known thesis of rupture in more than one aspect. Here we will try to examine that the difficulty in which Foucault found himself.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Yágüez, J. (2023). On Foucault’s difficulties in his interpretation of the thesis of the Cartesian rupture between method and spirituality, philosophy and way of life. Isegoría, (68), e21. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2023.68.21



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