The Capabilities Approach, Future Generations and Reduction of Extreme Suffering




Capabilities approach, Future generations, Animals, Extreme suffering, Overpopulation


Despite being one of the leading theories of justice, the capabilities approach has not dealt with the problems of our duties towards the environment and future generations. To overcome this problem, Gómez has presented helpful ideas about how the approach could incorporate these duties. Although Gómez’s ideas represent an invaluable contribution to the literature on the capabilities approach, in this paper I defend that her ideas must be supplemented with arguments in favour of the obligation of reducing extreme suffering. In particular, the capabilities approach should defend the obligations of becoming vegan/vegetarian, helping animals in nature and reducing human overpopulation.


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How to Cite

Torres Aldave, M. (2023). The Capabilities Approach, Future Generations and Reduction of Extreme Suffering. Isegoría, (68), e24.



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