The unsustainable society. Provisions for a comprehension of contemporary crises and crises of sociology


  • Ramón Antonio Gutiérrez Palacios Centro Mundial de Investigación para la Paz (CMIP-UPAZ)



ethics of society, social crisis, social sustainability


The crises are a perennial problem of the society. In the crises, what is in crisis is the insufficiency in the way of being related people among if, and with the objects of their culture, to sustain their association. The crises interrogate us about the social sustainability. We could be entering in the tendency toward a fundamental crisis of global social unsustainability. From her, The Ethics of Society is interpellated. Thus, It remain open the question: Will be possible the coexistence in the global crises society, without the pivot of a global justice? As colateral and unavoidable effect of the crises, sociology and the social sciences, are facing a crisis of theoretical synchronization; regarding the knowledge and understanding of the crises of their time in their time.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Palacios, R. A. (2012). The unsustainable society. Provisions for a comprehension of contemporary crises and crises of sociology. Isegoría, (47), 439–460.


