The Inhospitable City Promoted by Heidegger


  • Alejandro Rojas Jiménez Universidad de Málaga



inhospitality, pluralism, just society, Heidegger


A society that cares about strengthening the idea that no one can interfere in our convictions, just finally generating uncritical individuals incapable of self-reflective and thus, it fails the first condition of a free citizenry. If diversity does not mean arbitrariness, but only that no single practical reason, then you have to do is not practical reason to relegate to the private sphere, but to show the existence of other reasons to shake the security of particular beliefs and thus promote certain inhospitality constantly put to test personal convictions.


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How to Cite

Rojas Jiménez, A. (2012). The Inhospitable City Promoted by Heidegger. Isegoría, (47), 499–517.


