Towards a dialogical approach of justice as fairness.A perspective of impartial justice compatible with the demands of disadvantaged groups


  • Iván Teimil García Universidad de Oviedo



justice, dialogical impartiality, domination and oppression, difference, universalism, disadvantaged groups, inclusion


The critics of the liberal theories of justice have denounce that basic assumptions of these theories such as impartiality and universalism are not realistic and involve pernicious ideological aims. Against this perspective, I sustain that only an impartial and universalistic conception of justice, based on a deliberative vision of politics and participation, could add consistently the demands of the minorities in its democratic model, and at the same time put that model on practice. I understand this impartiality in a deliberativedialogical way. In this essay I defend that impartiality, universalism and difference far from exemplify an anomalous union, make a constellation of inseparable elements, constellation that gives the sense to a truly inclusive and rigorous perspective of justice.


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How to Cite

Teimil García, I. (2012). Towards a dialogical approach of justice as fairness.A perspective of impartial justice compatible with the demands of disadvantaged groups. Isegoría, (47), 587–600.



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