British Contemporary Conservatism: John Gray and the Political Theory of modus vivendi


  • Jorge del Palacio Martín Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Liberalism, conservatism, rationalism, skepticism


John N. Gray is one of the most important political theorists of the contemporary intellectual scene. This paper gives an overview of his thought, understood as political theory of the modus vivendi. It states as well that the political thought of John Gray is a type of liberalism consistent with the principles of the tradition of British conservatism. Specifically, this article defends this linkage focusing on the markedly anti-rationalist and skeptical features of his thought, which are elements that set him apart from any universalist conception of liberalism.


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How to Cite

del Palacio Martín, J. (2012). British Contemporary Conservatism: John Gray and the Political Theory of modus vivendi. Isegoría, (47), 601–614.



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