Looking through the shadows: the regard of Albert Camus


  • Luciano Espinosa Rubio Universidad de Salamanca




judgment, human being, nature, history, nonsense, rebelliousness


There are some free persons that have something like a magnetic needle, so in a dark time we need what Albert Camus offers: a living example (not a list of answers) of integrity, compassion and wise judgment. He had to choose (maybe like everybody) between nonsense and rebelliousness, and after between a daily attitude of fear or confidence. Finally, Camus tells us that the nature of human being and the beauty of the world must balance the historical ambitions.


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How to Cite

Espinosa Rubio, L. (2012). Looking through the shadows: the regard of Albert Camus. Isegoría, (47), 633–653. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2012.047.14



Notes and Discussions