Evaluating the innovations and their social diffusion


  • Javier Echeverría Ikerbasque/Sinnergiak Social Innovation/Universidad del País Vasco




evaluation of innovation, diffusion of innovation, Oslo Manual, innovation studies, innovation and values, hidden innovation


Although innovations tend to be only assessed from an economic point of view, they provide other forms of value (social, cultural, political, environmental, moral). The phase of social diffusion of innovations is decisive for a plural and integrated evaluation of the processes of innovation. The Oslo Manual, by identifying diffusion with marketing, has generated new forms of hidden innovation, which can not be analyzed by the usual instruments of analysis in innovation studies. In conclusion, a methodological change it’s proposed, allowing to evaluate the various phases of a process of innovation and to account for the different agents involved in it.


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How to Cite

Echeverría, J. (2013). Evaluating the innovations and their social diffusion. Isegoría, (48), 173–184. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2013.048.09



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