Ontologies of the common in Aesthetics and Art today


  • Jordi Massó Castilla Universidad Complutense de Madrid




Ontology, Aesthetics, Art, Common, Community, Heidegger, Spinoza, Kant


In recent decades, two lines of thought have wanted to take care of the need to think “the common” from ontological coordinates. One, represented mainly by Jean-Luc Nancy and Alain Badiou, takes up heideggerian analysis on Mitsein. The other one starts of Toni Negri’s analysis of Spinoza’s notion of “multitude”. These “ontologies of the common” have given rise led to many Aesthetic tendencies pursuing a political purpose. This paper examines these trends in order to determine what kind of notion of “the common” they are using. The theory put forward is that their interpretation of those ontologies is wrong and that the “community” present in them is closer to the Kantian sensus communis.


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How to Cite

Massó Castilla, J. (2013). Ontologies of the common in Aesthetics and Art today. Isegoría, (49), 533–547. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2013.049.09



Notes and Discussions