geopolítica, piropolítica, hegemonía, regímenes, nomos, anomia, lo político


  • Michael Marder Universidad del País Vasco, UPV-EHU-Ikerbasque



geopolitics, pyropolitics, hegemony, political regimes, nomos, anomie, the political


This paper theoretizes the transition from a global regime of geopolitics (that is to say, the politics of the earth) to a pyropolitical regime, or the politics of fire. Based in the political philosophy of Carl Schmitt, the thesis is that the certainty, stability, and order rooted in the earth are now being displaced by the anomie of fire, as the symbol and the concrete sphere of the political today.


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How to Cite

Marder, M. (2013). geopolítica, piropolítica, hegemonía, regímenes, nomos, anomia, lo político. Isegoría, (49), 599–613.



Notes and Discussions