The Politics of Enowning. Heidegger´s “private National Socialism” as ontological Totemism


  • Jaime Llorente IES “Campo de Calatrava”, Ciudad Real



Heidegger, homeland, subjectivity, totemism, Gestell, power


The aim of the present study is to analyze the political implications derived from Heidegger´s concept of Ereignis (“Enowning” or “event of appropriation”). With the concept of “private national socialism” as a guideline, we mean to show the way in which Heidegger deploys a concealed political project derived from his ontological theses (primarily in his courses and unpublished treatises of the thirties). A project that tends to the dissolution of the subject as protagonist of historical becoming and also to its substitution by the primacy of supra-individual powers which are external to subjectivity such as “popular community” or “homeland”.


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How to Cite

Llorente, J. (2013). The Politics of Enowning. Heidegger´s “private National Socialism” as ontological Totemism. Isegoría, (49), 629–648.



Notes and Discussions