Politics creation: with Castoriadis and more


  • Emanuele Profumi EHESS-CESPRA, París




Castoriadis, Autonomy, Politics, Human creation


What does “political creation” mean? If we draw this general idea by highlighting contemporary philosopher C. Castoriadis thought about the project of autonomy referring to the social-historical process that produced the birth of the “polis” of Athens, thanks to the Greek political imaginary, and the French Revolution, starting from the transformation of the medieval religious society, then we can show which logical-ontological assumptions are the basis of this idea, as well as its specific and general condition and its actual expression, from the point of view of the praxis of social-historical transformation. To arrive at this result we need to evaluate critically the main ideas that Cornelius Castoriadis connects with the idea and the practice of autonomy, particularly the concepts of social-historical and politics. In this respect, we will be able to find, within Aldo Capitini’s practical philosophy of religion, the confirmation of a credible ethical-political transposition of the above-mentioned assumptions.


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How to Cite

Profumi, E. (2013). Politics creation: with Castoriadis and more. Isegoría, (49), 649–672. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2013.049.16



Notes and Discussions