Towards what aims do the self-help texts orientate us?: A reflection from the foucauldian concept of Governability


  • Rosario Ruiz Castro IES Padre Manjón



self-help books, technologies of the self, governability, psychotherapeutic discourse, political rationality


The overwhelming presence of self-help books in the editorial production of recent decades prompts us to reflect not only on the needs these discourses attempt to fulfill, but also on the objectives to which they lead the behavior and attitudes of the contemporary individual. In this article we tackle such reflections using a foucauldian theoretical framework, by considering that self-help books fall under the domain of “technologies of the self”, and that their function can be interpreted in the light of the concept of governability. This concept concerns the relationship between technologies of power and technologies of the self allowing us to understand the sense in which the individual appears as governable, and it also permit us to clarify the contact point that psychological and psychiatric sciences have with the aims of the current political rationality.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Castro, R. (2014). Towards what aims do the self-help texts orientate us?: A reflection from the foucauldian concept of Governability. Isegoría, (51), 757–776.



Notes and Discussions