A topological paradox about the place of philosophy


  • Jesús Vega Encabo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




Philosophy, university, disciplines, concepts, synoptic view, cognitive authority, understanding, experience


This paper introduces what I will call the “topological paradox of philosophy”. Philosophy claims to find a place among other disciplines and forms of knowledge and, in consequence, within the university; but it becomes u-topic under the idea of an activity freely exercised. Philosophy cannot find a place within the university, but it cannot help to claim for one. The paradox has multiple dimensions, but it is non-solvable. So its future in the university will require to renounce to find a place like other disciplines. At the end, only if it accepts to answer not only to itself but to the demands of the pre-philosophical, it will be able to make a space for itself not among but between the disciplines.


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How to Cite

Vega Encabo, J. (2015). A topological paradox about the place of philosophy. Isegoría, (52), 43–66. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2015.052.02


