The University Ethos in the Generation of 1914 Philosophers


  • Jorge Costa Delgado Universidad de Cádiz



History of the Spanish Philosophy, Generation of 1914, Sociology of Philosophy, Intellectual History


This paper is an approach to the study of the relation between the Generation of 1914 philosophers and University. Firstly, it will be specified the meaning of “Generation of 1914”. After that, it will be analysed the situation of Philosophy at University, since the Restoration until the II Republic, through the consecutive curriculum reforms, the professors’ selection process, and the relation with the political field. The study of some philosophers’ trajectories will allow to specify which was the Generation philosophical norm and its relation with other contemporary forms of philosophical practice. Finally, it will be proposed a model of interpretation for organizing the different ways of philosophers’ political intervention for this Generation.


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How to Cite

Costa Delgado, J. (2015). The University Ethos in the Generation of 1914 Philosophers. Isegoría, (52), 245–265.



Notes and Discussions