Interdisciplinarity and philosophy today. Bio-art, contamination and purism


  • Amanda Núñez García UNED



interdisciplinarity, Philosophy, bio-art


In this article a double and closely related issues will be addressed. On one hand the academy and many government research projects call for interdisciplinarity, but paradoxically, it is negatively sanctioned as can be seen at present in bio-art’s activities. Philosophy also suffers this penalty because in one of its areas is multidisciplinary and seems to don’t have a proper function while, in another of its aspects, is enclosed in a role of excessive purism. In both cases, and with the thought of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari (What is Philosophy?), We note that philosophy is located at the map of academic and general knowledge in a declining place for the two reasons: in one of its activities because it’s flexible and articulating, and in another of them, due to their “tone of distinction” under the paradigm of the sage that make her a court and not an active and productive knowledge. In line with this diagnosis will outline the importance of renaming the category of “contamination” with the thoughts of Deleuze, Guattari and Michel Serres, leading to an area of mixtures between knowledge as a way to actively combat the aforementioned problems or, at least, to unravel aporias crossing the relationship between disciplines and the academy in general with their environment.


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How to Cite

Núñez García, A. (2015). Interdisciplinarity and philosophy today. Bio-art, contamination and purism. Isegoría, (52), 295–310.



Notes and Discussions

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