Proposal of a Philosophical Ethos before a Glocal Modernity




Enlightenment, Globalization, Single Individual, Suffering


This paper argues the need to think the concept of global justice beyond the traditional paradigms of philosophy. If we want a global justice that includes the single individual, then it is necessary to rethink the traditional perspective that dominates the discussion about International Law. We need a critical reflection on modernity and globalization. This review will allow propose a new Enlightenment able to link the global order with cosmopolitanism and moral universalism. The challenge is to build a fair globalization with each and everyone of the individuals. These individuals are members of the new global citizenship.


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How to Cite

Herrera Guevara, A. (2017). Proposal of a Philosophical Ethos before a Glocal Modernity. Isegoría, (57), 553–570.




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