Towards a Hermeneutical Anthropology of Suffering. Phenomenology of Action (and of Suffering), Ethics of Resistance and Hermeneutics of Parsimony. (A presentation of Suffering is not pain, by Paul Ricoeur)




Ricoeur, Suffering, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Ethics of Care


I present in this text the article by P. Ricoeur Suffering is not pain. After contextualizing it, I will indicate what are its backbone themes and then, in a second moment, indicate its relevance and significance. This is a very important work in the career of the French thinker, because it allows us to better understand his proposal of hermeneutical phenomenology, as well as its ethical dimension. In addition, he offers an anthropology of suffering that allows us to structure the fundamental lines of an ethic (and politics) of care –fearful, current and full of possibilities.


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How to Cite

Moratalla, T. D. (2019). Towards a Hermeneutical Anthropology of Suffering. Phenomenology of Action (and of Suffering), Ethics of Resistance and Hermeneutics of Parsimony. (A presentation of Suffering is not pain, by Paul Ricoeur). Isegoría, (60), 75–91.



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