Justice: A Subjective Experience of the Limits of the Law





Justice, Law, Desire, Contingency, Subjectivity


Over the last decades, few topics have generated more debates in the field of political philosophy than the question of justice. Nevertheless, most of these debates have revolved around issues such as what kind of balances between liberty and equality that could be considered to be just, or what kind of legal and judicial institutions would be necessary in order to provide citizens with higher levels of justice. This work intends to address the question of justice from an entirely different perspective. Namely, the way in which the subject –the ‘man of flesh and bone,’ as Unamuno would say– experiences justice. Setting aside the abovementioned institutional aspects of the debate, the goal of this article is to explore the ways in which the term justice functions as an empty signifier in relation to law; and how this, in turn, allows the emergence of a multiplicity of subjective understandings of justice.


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How to Cite

Taillefer, J. (2019). Justice: A Subjective Experience of the Limits of the Law. Isegoría, (60), 325–339. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2019.060.18



Notes and Discussions