Common good, common goods, for whom? Challenging the atomistic view of civil society




Common good, Common goods, Civil society, Individual freedom, Atomism


The aim of the paper is to clarify what is properly common to the common good and to support its irreducibility as a guarantee of overcoming an atomistic conception of civil society. We begin by addressing the notion of individual freedom and the questioning of the selfish condition of the human being. Then, we delve into the normative possibilities offered by an ethical interpretation of the common good. The difference of the common good from other notions used in late-modern discourses is key in determining the intrinsic commonality of social relations. In concluding, we argue for a conception of the common good that accommodates individual freedom, understanding it no longer in isolation, but as part of intersubjectivity.


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How to Cite

Gracia Calandín, J. ., & Reyes Lobos, M. . (2022). Common good, common goods, for whom? Challenging the atomistic view of civil society. Isegoría, (66), e18.



Dossier: Common goods at the citizen crossroads

Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Grant numbers PID2019-109078RB-C22