Equaliberty and participatory parity: basic elements to democratize the democracy





Equaliberty, Democracy, Participatory parity, Political conflict, Citizenship


This article proposes a schematic development of Nancy Fraser’s participatory parity concept as a complementary element to Étienne Balibar’s proposal to democratize democracy, which is part of the dialectic of equaliberty as a framework for the interpretation of political modernity. It will be shown that neoliberalism implies a particular event in the development of the struggle for equaliberty, annulling its insurrectional content and therefore, hindering a democratizing perspective, in the vision of the French author, requires recovering the political conflict that began in the French revolution in around equaliberty. Participatory parity, it will be argued, meets the requirements demanded by Balibar’s vision and, the particular interpretation of it that will be exposed would serve as basic elements to democratize the democracy.


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How to Cite

Valencia, D. A. . (2023). Equaliberty and participatory parity: basic elements to democratize the democracy. Isegoría, (68), e12. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2023.68.012


