Martin Heidegger’s readings of Nicomachean Ethics. On some handwritten glosses kept at the University of Salamanca




Heidegger, Aristotle, Ethics, Truth, Being


This article analyses Martin Heidegger’s readings of the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle and is based on the annotations and underlines preserved in a copy that belonged to the German philosopher and is currently kept in the Historical Library of the University of Salamanca. The various handwritten notes and glosses that Heidegger made to Aristotle’s works provide a better understanding of the influence that this book had on Heidegger’s philosophy and reveal that “the historical and philological workshop” that Martin Heidegger set up on the basis of the Aristotelian text was crucial for the development of some fundamental concepts of his thought.


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How to Cite

Martín Gómez, M. (2023). Martin Heidegger’s readings of Nicomachean Ethics. On some handwritten glosses kept at the University of Salamanca. Isegoría, (68), e18.



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