Figures of Disaffection in Ethical Life. Hegel and Political Subjectivity




ethical life, Hegel, subjectivity, disaffection, exclusion


Disaffection is a matter of political subjectivity, a break in the political bond of the self. This article examines whether such a break is possible, how far it goes and which modalities it has. Can a subject constitute itself, and recognize itself outside any political dimension? To answer this question, I discuss in detail the notion of modern subjectivity outlined by Hegel in his Philosophy of Law, considering its affective, economic and state (or purely political) dimensions. Based on this model, I propose three possible figures of disaffection —the indifferent, the excluded, the dissident— to conclude that all three nevertheless maintain a political bond and can be aware of their moral limitations.


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How to Cite

Gomez Ramos, A. (2024). Figures of Disaffection in Ethical Life. Hegel and Political Subjectivity. Isegoría, (70), 1417.



Political disaffection and new social bonds

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