De la apropiación privada a la adquisición común originaria del suelo. Un cambio metodológico «menor» con consecuencias políticas revolucionarias


  • María Julia Bertomeu Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Conicet



In a fascinating and enigmatic passage of the Metaphysik der Sitten, Kant produced a definitive methodological change in the justification of the acquisition of what is «mine and thine exterior». This change was introduced by means of the rational and not empirically verifiable hypothesis of common original acquisition of land: «All men are originally and before any juridical act of will in rightful possession of the soil; that is, they have a right to be (da Sein) wherever nature or chance has placed them without their will». In this way, the passionate supporter of the acquired -not innate- character of property rights makes room for the only natural right proceeding from the exercise of (external) freedom: the right of mankind to take possession of a place on the Earth's limited spherical surface. A historical and political interpretation of these passages makes possible to assess the revolutionary consequences of an apparently «minor» methodological change.


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How to Cite

Bertomeu, M. J. (2004). De la apropiación privada a la adquisición común originaria del suelo. Un cambio metodológico «menor» con consecuencias políticas revolucionarias. Isegoría, (30), 141–147.



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