Ethics of discourse: a philosophical framework for neuroethics?


  • Adela Cortina Universidad de Valencia



neuroethics, foundations of ethics, philosophical method, discourse ethics, justice, reciprocity, evolution, neurosciences


Neuroethics requires a framework of philosophical ethics from which to interprete, integrate and criticiseneuroscientific progress in moral field. This article sets out to: 1) Show to what extent this framework is necessary; 2) Tackle the question of the method for constructing this framework; 3) Compile the main tópoi of the neurosciences that the framework has to interpret and integrate; 4) Propose the ethics of discourse as a philosophical framework for neuroethics; 5) Display certain shortcomings of this framework and put forward the dialogical ethics of cordial reason as being more appropriate.


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How to Cite

Cortina, A. (2013). Ethics of discourse: a philosophical framework for neuroethics?. Isegoría, (48), 127–148.


