An Ethical Defence of Theatricality: Rousseau or Rameau’s Nephew


  • Guillermo de Eugenio Pérez Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



Autenticity, Representation, Performativity, Rousseau, Identity


In this paper there are two opposite models for identity to be discussed, departing from the comparison made by philosopher Bernard Williams between the figures of Rousseau and Rameau’s nephew. Against the representational conception of an identity as the copy or proyection of an inner self, we propose a more performative notion of personality, conceived in terms of spontaneity and multiplicity as sources of the contemporary subject. In the background of this reflection there is the hypothesis that both methods of producing personal identity respond to aesthetic conceptions that are deeply rooted. One of them is closer to the pictorial model of a copy from an original, and the other, theatrical, is based in the importance of performance on creative processes.


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How to Cite

de Eugenio Pérez, G. (2013). An Ethical Defence of Theatricality: Rousseau or Rameau’s Nephew. Isegoría, (48), 269–284.



Notes and Discussions