Synthetic biology and its promises


  • José Manuel De Cózar Escalante Universidad de La Laguna



Synthetic Biology, Technoscience, Control, Social Impact, Assessment, Risk, Uncertainty, Responsibility


Synthetic biology is a new science and emerging technology, or rather a technoscience, which converges with others such as nanotechnology, information technology, robotics, artificial intelligence and neuroscience. All have common features that could have highly concerning social and environmental impacts. With its ambitious goals of controlling complexity, redesigning and creating new living entities, synthetic biology perfectly exemplifies the new bioeconomic reality. This requires expanding the focus of the discussion beyond the limited comparative analysis of risks and benefits, to address uncertainties, reassign responsibilities and initiate a thorough social assessment of what is at stake.


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How to Cite

De Cózar Escalante, J. M. (2016). Synthetic biology and its promises. Isegoría, (55), 485–501.




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