Frameworks of Desire and Violence: the Arab as Other in J. Butler and J. Massad




gender, Post-colonialism, Homosexualities, Arab, Violence, Framework


This paper stands as a contribution to the debate triggered by the problem of violence and sexuality (namely homosexuality) within the representation of the Other or, in this case, the Arab as Other. We shall depart from Judith Butler’s statements about the notion of theoretical framework and its political, ethic and aesthetic implications. Afterwards, we will confront this viewpoint with the criticism of J. Massad against the alleged orientalism and ethnocentrism of LGTB activist movements from the perspective of a certain cultural specificity regarding sexuality in the Arab World, as well as to analyze the polemic arosed by Massad among different interlocutors.


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How to Cite

de Eugenio Pérez, G. (2017). Frameworks of Desire and Violence: the Arab as Other in J. Butler and J. Massad. Isegoría, (56), 279–296.



Notes and Discussions

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