The Heads of Justice: “Antigone-Ismene”?, “Antigone and Ismene”?, “Antigone-”?, -“Ismene”?...




Antigone, Ismene, Legal Justice, Natural Justice, Praxis Horizon


Antigone is one of the greatest characters in Greek Tragedy and has deserved the biggest attention throughout posterity. Other characters in the homonymous tragedy by Sophocles have not deserved, however, the same attention. This is especially surprising in the case of Ismene, –the sister of Antigone–, who faces the same problem as her and, consequently, has the opportunity of becoming protagonist along with Antigone, changing so the very title of the play and even its tragic character. Taking all this into account, in this paper we will not analyze all the concepts of justice included in Sophocles’ tragedy, but only those represented by Antigone and Ismene and that from our own praxis horizon.


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How to Cite

de Prada García, A. (2017). The Heads of Justice: “Antigone-Ismene”?, “Antigone and Ismene”?, “Antigone-”?, -“Ismene”?. Isegoría, (57), 413–431.




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