Voices of Harm





Social Harm, Social Suffering, Epistemic Justice, Moral Negativity, Social Death, Social Imagination


Epistemic structures, often naturalized, are one of the most elusive features of the forms of harm spread in contemporary societies, which also obstruct the subject to wake up to them. Thus, to engage with social harm encourages to inspect how epistemic structures and models of society match in a complex way through the processes that make it possible to build subjective identity and horizons of action. Moreover, these cognitive frameworks also unfold a weave of emotions fitting in those cognitive spaces. Beyond distributive paradigms in the reflection on justice, to pay attention to the inequal distribution of voices in social spaces allows the ethical inspection to check where the experience of moral negativity does not provide the appropriated tools to be perceived and narrated. I will claim that this phenomenon means for the harmed subject a sort of second social death. To become aware of the perceptual and discursive frameworks which determine how we act and analyze social life seems to be part of a non-ideal transformation of these contexts. Therefore, this transformation takes into account the factual levels displaying the cultural and social interdependence and mutuality which human beings are unfailingly embedded in.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Madrid, N. . (2022). Voices of Harm. Isegoría, (66), e03. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2022.66.03



Dossier: Texts from XXVII Aranguren Conferences: the faces of harm

Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Grant numbers PID2019-105803GB-I0

Comunidad de Madrid
Grant numbers H2019/HUM5699

European Social Fund
Grant numbers H2019/HUM5699

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