Agent regret and its acknowledgment in grief




Agent-regret, Guilt, Responsibility, Moral luck, Grief, Bernard Williams


In grief, we often ruefully relive the times we hurt the deceased, but some of those gloomy memories bewilder us and can even drive us to doubt the sincerity of our love for him or her because, although we deeply regret the suffering we caused, we don’t feel remorse for having acted as we did. In this article I examine the nature, features and varieties of the emotion Bernard Williams called “agent-regret”, to argue that the aforementioned experience can be understood as a particular case of agent regret. In addition, I explore some of the ways in which the grieving process itself complicates the already difficult experience of agent regret.


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How to Cite

Cázares Blanco, R. . (2022). Agent regret and its acknowledgment in grief. Isegoría, (67), e11.



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