The Democracy of the Conatus. Balibar and Spinoza’s Equaliberty




Spinoza, Equaliberty, Democracy, Political anthropology, Transindividuality


In this article I try to relate Balibar’s reflection on the proposition of equaliberty with his reading of Spinoza. Balibar reads Spinoza’s philosophy from the need to response to the anthropological question in the new political conjuncture of the 1980’s and 1990’s. His reading of Spinoza’s political anthropology is based on the presentation and analysis of three correlations: between individual and collective identities, between individual and collective powers of acting, and between singularities and the infinite nature. Thus, he can account for the three modalities (ancient, modern, and postmodern) of equaliberty, thinking the conatus as an always already striving for liberation.


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How to Cite

Sainz Pezonaga, A. (2023). The Democracy of the Conatus. Balibar and Spinoza’s Equaliberty. Isegoría, (68), e13.


