The Law of Peoples against Globalization


  • Asunción Herrera Guevara Universidad de Oviedo



International Law, postnational society, cosmopolitism, poverty, justice


For most of its history, The International Law has been State nation centred. However, Now We can not think the international policy without a post-national level. So the Globalization claims this new level. In this paper, I will show Rawls’s model. The position I defend is that the propose of Rawls is unsatisfactory. I will show how Rawls rejects the cosmopolitism and substantive idea of justice in the international law. Both refusal prevent to pay attention to priority international problem: the eradication of the poverty.


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How to Cite

Herrera Guevara, A. (2012). The Law of Peoples against Globalization. Isegoría, (46), 265–277.



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