Philosophy, Society, Education. Considerations on the Spanish case


  • Antonio Gómez Ramos Universidad Carlos III



university, education, democracy, Manuel Sacristán, Gustavo Bueno, philosophy the markets, Bolonia process


Philosophy as a subject might disappear from Spanish secondary education, and its place at the university becomes more and more marginal. Basing on this fact, this article considers the usefulness and uselessness of Philosophy, its connection with democracy and its particular specificity in in the whole of human knowledge. The discussion extends to the relationship between Philosophy and society and its place in higher education, with special consideration to the Spanish case. These conclusions are proposed. 1) Even if it lacks immediate utility, Philosophy always accompanies social flourishing; it fulfills a role that is both critical and integrating. 2) As for the Spanish case, a failure and self-encapsulation of philosophy should be noted, and this cannot be ignore in the reflections and complaints by Spanish philosophers about their current situation. 3) The conception of university with market approaches that is being imposed nowadays is self-contradictory. We must reckon that an institution of higher education aimed to produce knowledge and to preserve social hegemony will exist on. The question is not whether philosophy will have a place there, but how it will perform it. Leaving the question open, some final proposals are made.


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Sacristán, M. “Sobre el lugar de la filosofía en los estudios superiores”, Papeles de Filosofía. Panfletos y materiales II, Barcelona, Icaria, 1984, p. 358.

Sacristán, Manuel, “La universidad y la división social del trabajo”, 1970 (consultado en

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How to Cite

Gómez Ramos, A. (2015). Philosophy, Society, Education. Considerations on the Spanish case. Isegoría, (52), 145–166.




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