Geometry, Sortition and Politics: Jacques Rancière between Cornelius Castoriadis and Bernard Manin




Jacques Rancière, Cornelius Castoriadis, Bernard Manin, Sortition, Geometric Equality, Arithmetic Equality


This paper analyses the place of sortition in the political philosophy of Jacques Rancière. The idea of sortition is linked to a philosophical reflection on arithmetic equality and geometric equality. Thus, starting from an important work of Cornelius Castoriadis in this sense, we will analyze below the relationship of Rancière’s political philosophy with equality. Finally we will analyze the sortition and the place it occupies in his work. Bernard Manin’s work on ancient democracies and systems of representative government will help us contextualize Rancière’s proposals on the use of random selection in politics.


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How to Cite

Moreno Pestaña, J. L., & Carballo Rodríguez, F. M. (2020). Geometry, Sortition and Politics: Jacques Rancière between Cornelius Castoriadis and Bernard Manin. Isegoría, (62), 169–190.



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